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The Heavens Declare the Glory of God and the Sky Above Proclaims His Handiwork. Psalm 19:1

Mass Times

Saturday: 5:30PM

Sunday: 9:30AM

Weekdays Tuesday - Friday: 12:15PM

*For Holy Days contact the parish.


Saturday: 4:45PM - 5:15PM

Sunday: 8:45AM - 9:15AM

*Other times by appointment.

Also - Relax and enjoy service as you can't make a mistake! A Catholic Mass can be intimidating for someone who has never been before!

A typical Mass lasts about one hour. The service follows a set order of worship with everyone having something that they are supposed to say or do. Don't worry if you don't know what to say or do! Instead, listen to the Scripture readings and the prayers, and do your best to do what the people around you are doing. You'll get the hang of it! If you are Catholic and are able to receive communion, at communion time come forward. If you are not Catholic, you are also welcome to come forward, but cross your arms across your chest, as you will not be able to receive communion.